A. & B. arrive at the opposite ends of Venezia.
A. is carrying the upper part of a tuba helicon, B. is carrying the lower part.
A. & B. wander through the city looking for each other.
Upon meeting, A. will help B. to re-assemble the tuba.
With one breath B. will play a note for as long as he can.
A. will clap for as long as he can hold his breath.
A. entered Venice by train at 11:20 AM on Jone 9th, 1999
B. entered Venice by plane at 3:00 PM on June 9th, 1999
A. and B. met in Campo San Cassan at 8:15 PM on June 11th, 1999
courtesy by Francis Alÿs
Contributed by
Francis Alÿs