Centro LatinoAmericano de Investigaciones Agroecologicas (CELIA)
Most of our global problems: energy shortages, water scarcity,
environmental degradation, climate change, economic inequality, food
insecurity and others cannot be addressed in isolation, as these problems
are interconnected and interdependent. When one of the problems is
aggravated, the effects spread throughout the system, exacerbating the
other problems. Like never before, the systemic nature of our world has
been revealed to us by the coronavirus pandemic: human, animal and
ecological health are closely linked. Is this one of the lessons that COVID -
19 is here to teach us ? Regardless, the pandemic is undoubtedly a wake
up call to humanity to rethink our capitalist , highly consuming mode of
development and the ways we relate to nature. The times we live,
demand a holistic response to the crisis, one that addresses the root
causes behind the now obvious socio-ecological vulnerability and fragility
of our globalized world.