Juan Pablo Macías
(Messico, 1974) la sua opera è il risultato di una ricerca sull’anarchismo come critica della rappresentazione e assume diverse forme: progetti editoriali, poesia, video, installazioni, performance, servono come supporto per documentare l’incontro tra sapere istituzionale e sapere insurrezionale. È redattore capo della rivista tiempo muerto (2012) e word+moist press (2014). Co-fundatore di Salvator Rosa nel 2018, ed è attuale presidente di Carico Massimo.
19. Juan Pablo Macías
ora d’aria. passeggiare ascoltare guardare
un’introduzione. un anno dopo « arte magia e capitalismo »
tremori d’aria: black weather forecast for sunny days
arte magia e capitalismo 2019
semeion e la smilitarizzazione del linguaggio
Raúl Zurita - La Belleza de Pensar
Raúl Zurita - La Vida Nueva (scritto nel cielo)
Henry David Thoreau - The Succession Of Forest Trees And Wild Apples
Ralph Waldo Emerson - Nature
Alfred Stieglitz - Equivalents
Alfred Stieglitz - The Hand of Man
Franck Leibovici - 9+11
Wu Ming - L’armata dei Sonnambuli
Wu Ming - L’invisibile Ovunque
Allen Ginsberg - Wales Visitation
Noam Chomsky - The Concept of Language
Antonin Artaud - Pour en finir avec le jugement de dieu
Daniel Turner - First World War tech: Chlorine Gas & Gas Masks
Heinrich Billstein - Ypres: the Gas Inferno - Deadly Battles of World War
Giulio Douhet - Il Dominio dell’Aria-The Command of The Air
Krzysztof Penderecki - Capriccio for Tuba Solo
Marcel Duchamp - Marcel Duchamp on Readymade Sculptures
Marcel Duchamp + Larry Rivers - Art Sounds Marcel Duchamp Air de Paris
John Cage - Empty words
John Cage - New River Watercolors
John Cage - Empty Words Milano
John Cage (Interpreter: David Tudor) - 4’33’’ (by David Tudor)
John Cage + David Tudor - Musik Im Technischen Zeitalter
Raindance Foundation - Radical Software. The Raindance Foundation, Media Ecology and Video Art
Beryl Korot + Art21 - Radical Software 1970–74
CADA (Colectivo Acciones de Arte) - ¡Ay Sudamérica!
Hugo Ball - Flight Out of Time
F.L. Marinetti - Parole in Libertà
Velimir Khlebnikov - The Radio of the Future
Alan Erwin Ball + Sam Mendes - America Beauty - Plastic Bag Scene
David Medalla + Adam Nankervis - Cosmic graffiti
Smithsonian Channel - How Napalm Bombs Intensified U.S. Attacks During WWII
The Dow Company - Making Napalm
Center for Food Safety - Dow Chemical: Destroying Our World
Ade Adepitan (for Unreported World) - The Vietnam War’s Agent Orange legacy
Jackson Mac Low - The 8-Voice Stereo-Canon Realization
Jackson Mac Low + Bob Cobbing + Tom Leonard - Sound & Syntax International Festival of Sound Poetry
Jackson Mac Low - Winds/Instruments/Score
Nicolás Echevarría - Teshuinada, Semana Santa Tarahumara
Juan Pablo Macías - Rutuguri Ratara Tatara Rana
Rolando López + Omar Fraire - Chapareke - Una raíz para dos cielos
Nicanor Parra - The Individual’s Soliloquy
Miguel Ceballos - Voladores de Cuetzalan + Voladores de Cuetzalan cubiertos de niebla
Daniel Duncan - Whistles in the Mist: Whistled Speech in Oaxaca
Bertrand Russell - Press Conference on Nuclear Weapons
Gustav Metzger - Gustav Metzger on Extinction
Ken McMullen - Pioneers in Art and Science: Gustav Metzger
Gustav Metzger - Auto-Destructive Art
Kommissar Hjuler und Mama Baer + Gustav Metzger - Sicherungskopie #13 | Der Schöne Hjuler‑Memorial‑Fond
United States Army - Trinity (nuclear test)
Caetano Veloso + Augusto de Campos - Dias Dias Dias
Augusto de Campos - Ar (Air)
Rupert Wingfield-Hayes + BBC News - Hiroshima atomic bomb: Survivor recalls horrors
Angel Estrada Soto - Chapareke, La llave de la casa de Dios
Alfred Hitchcock - The Birds
Future Farmers + Ignacio Chapela - Microbial Ecology
David Quist + Ignacio Chapela - Transgenic DNA introgressed into traditional maize landraces in Oaxaca, Mexico
Stan Brakhage - The Test of Time
Martina Pfeiler - American Performing Poets
Brian O’Doherty + WGBH - The New Wave
James Autry + Quincy Troupe - The Living Language
Frank Zappa + William S. Burroughs - The Talking Asshole
Edgard Varèse + Le Corbusier - Poème électronique
Edgard Varèse - Density 21.5
Edgard Varèse - Ionisation
Décio Pignatari - Um Movimento Vivo
Décio Pignatari - Motet Em Ré menor - Beba Coca‑Cola
Haroldo de Campos - Nascemorre
Jose Lino Grunewald - Vai e Vem
Augusto de Campos - Tensao
Décio Pignatari - Life
Décio Pignitari - Hombre Hambre Hembra
Ronaldo Azeredo - Velocidade
Augusto de Campos - Cidade City Cite
Augusto de Campos - Tudo Está Dito
Haroldo de Campos - Circuladô de Fulô
Augusto de Campos + Caetano Veloso - Pulsar
Haroldo de Campos - Crisantempo
Décio Pignatari - Noosfera/Terra
Augusto de Campos - Ão
Décio Pignatari - Drácula
Haroldo de Campos - Torto (fragmento de Galáxias)
Haroldo de Campos - Ode Primitiva (fragmento de Galáxias)
Bob Dylan + Keith Richards + Ron Wood - Blowin’ in the Wind
David Bowie + Dimitri Tiomkin + Ned Washington - Wild is the Wind
Johnny Mathis + Dimitri Tiomkin + Ned Washington - Wild is the Wind / Mathis
Nina Simone + Dimitri Tiomkin + Ned Washington - Wild is the Wind / Simone
Yves Klein - Saut dans le vide (Leap into the Void)
Willoughby Sharp - Air Art
Robert Morris - Steam
Gordon Matta-Clark + Juan Downey - Fresh Air Cart
Juan Downey - Do It Yourself: The Human Voice
Jochen Lempert - Fly
Jeff Wall - A Sudden Gust of Wind (after Hokusai)
Allen Ginsberg + The Gluons - Birdbrain
Allen Ginsberg - Hum Bom
Allen Ginsberg - Vajra Mantra
Allen Ginsberg + The Clash - Capitol Air
Kerri Phillips + abc media - Rear Vision / Biowarfare
Chemical Defence Experimental Establishment at Porton Down - Committee of 100 mass trespass on Porton Down Test Range
Committee of 100 - Committee of 100 POSTERS
Jim Gray - No Germ Warfare
United States Army - Aerial view of an atomic bomb explosion
Soviet Union - The First Soviet H-Bomb Test on August 12, 1953
Mary Lampson + Emile de Antonio - Underground
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - TPB-C-09 (nubes tour)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - AZOT-C-01 (nubes hacia el sur)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - AZOT-C-02-01 (cielo franja negra)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - AZOT-C-02-01 (volcan)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - NPA-C01 (cámara espejo nube)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - NPA-C01 (cámara en espejo)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - AZOT-C-02-01 (monte con cable)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - EPB-C02 (reflejo nube)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - PPB-C-04 (tubo colado)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - QPA-C-06 (jardín ecoparque)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - TPB-C-09 (jacaranda)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - PPB-C-04 (reflejo árbol lago)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - AZOT-C-02-01 (maguey)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - APB-C06 (cámara a cámara)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - PPB-C-04 (desfogue)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - PPB-C-04 (muro fijo con junta)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - TPB-C-09 (lago y plantas)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - OPB-C-03 (fuente)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - QPA-C-06 (plantas tour)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - APB-C-03 (lavanda explanada)
Gustave Courbet - The Paris Commune and the end of the Vendôme column
Allen Ginsberg - Kissass
Lygia Clark - Pedra e ar (Stone and Air)
Lygia Clark - Respire Comigo (Breathe with me)
Salvador Dalí - Paranoiac Critical Method (lecture in diving suit)
Yves Klein + Claude Parent - Climate-controlled City, Air Roof, Fire Walls, Air Bed
Yves Klein + Claude Parent - Underground Area of a Climate-controlled City, « Climate Control of Space »
Yves Klein + Claude Parent - Cité climatisée - Accès à l’éden technique [Climate-controlled City - Access to Technical Eden]
Monstanto Company + Walt Disney + MIT - Monsanto House of the Future
Monsanto Company + Walt Disney + MIT - Monsanto House of The Future (documentary)
Richard Buckminster Fuller + Shoji Sadao - Cloud Nine (tensegrity sphere)
Richard Buckminster Fuller - Buckminster Fuller at MIT (Spaceship Earth)
Ana Vignjević - Dialectic Atmosphere of Architecture: on Aesthetic Experience and Meteorology
Richard Buckminster Fuller - Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth
Richard Buckminster Fuller + McCormick-Armstrong Company - Dymaxion Map
Richard Buckminster Fuller - Dymaxion Airocean World Map
Robert Snyder - The World of Buckminster Fuller
Richard Buckminster Fuller + Nicolás Boullosa (faircompanies.com) - Dymaxion House
Gordon Matta-Clark - Tree Dance
Trisha Brown +Richard Nonas + Jared Bark - Man Walking Down the Side of a Building
Bas Jan Ader + Edvard Karijord + Bbatunde Oluwalana +Bendik Mondal - The Miraculous Bas Jan Ader
Bas Jan Ader - Bas Jan Ader (selection of works)
Gordon Matta-Clark - Clockshower
Juan Pablo Macías - April 2005
Juan Pablo Macías - History of the Eye
William S. Burroughs - The Electronic Revolution
Marcel Duchamp - Readymade Malheureux
Murray Bookchin - The Ecology of Freedom
Murray Bookchin - Post-Scarcity Anarchism
Claude Lévi-Strauss - The Savage Mind
Abel Muñóz Orózco - Creole Maize Varieties
Abel Muñóz Orózco - History and evolution of maize / Purepecha History
Joan Jonas - Wind
Aldo Piromalli - Affanculo
Glauber Rocha - Barravento
Gustave Courbet - La Trombe
Élisée Reclus - The Ocean, Atmosphere and Life
Élisée Reclus - The Earth
Daniele Galuzzo + Arianna Fantesini - I venti
Nik Rijavec - Wind in The Grass, Crickets, Birds / Relaxing Sound Of Wind
Nik Rijavec - Relaxing Sound of Howling Wind Blowind Sand / Relax, Sleep, Stress Relief
Nik Rijavec - Strong Howling Wind Sound 2 Hours / Swaying Spruce Trees in The Wind
Nik Rijavec - Wind Sounds 1 Hour / Wind Blowing Through Autumn Forest
Yves Klein - Blue Monochrome
Francois Levy-Kuentz - Yves Klein La Revolution Bleue
Yves Klein - Anthropométrie de l’époque bleue
Miles Davis - So what
Abu the Flute maker + Thomas Kessler - Abu the Baltimore Flute Maker
Hermeto Pascoal - Música da Lagoa (Sinfonia do Alto Ribeira)
Antonin Artaud - Héliogabale ou l’Anarchiste couronné
Morton Feldman - Three Voices (For Joan La Barbara)
John Cage + Morton Feldman - Radio Happenings I - V
Charles Sanders Peirce - The Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce
Peter Sloterdijk - Terror From The Air
Karlheinz Stockhausen - Stimmung
Karlheinz Stockhausen - Momente
Gérard Patris - Karlheinz Stockhausen: Momente
Karlheinz Stockhausen - Telemusik
Ivan Cardoso - HO
Hélio Oiticica - Parangolé P1
Hèlio Oiticica - Parangolé P15, Capa 11
Vladimir Tatlin - Monument to the Third International
Kazimir Malevich - Anti in Anarkhiia‑Tvorchestvo
Alfred Stieglitz - How I came to photograph clouds
Félix Gonzalez-Torres - Untitled, 1992‑1993
Félix González-Torres - Untitled, 1995
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena I (surveillance cameras)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena I (skyscape)
Steve McCaffery + bpNichol - Sound Poetry: a catalogue
Paul Priscila Braga - Hélio Oiticica: Nietzsche’s Übermensch in the Brazilian Slums
John Cage - Mureau
John Cage - Mushroom Haiku (excerpt from Silence)
John Cage - Silence: lectures and writings
John Cage - Lecture on nothing
John Cage +Robert Moran + Howard Hersh - Winter Music / Variations I
John Cage - The Wonderful Widow of Eighteen Springs
John Cage - Sixty-Two Mesostics Re Merce Cunningham
Merce Cunningham + John Cage + Elliot Caplan - Beach Birds for Camera
Merce Cunningham + John Cage + Andy Warhol + David Tudor Jasper Johns + - Rainforest
Vito Acconci - A Tape Situation Using Running, Counting, Exhaustion
Vito Acconci + Jana Haimsohn + Julia Heyward + Dennis Oppenheim and many others - Airwaves LP
Hugo Ball - Hugo Ball in Futura Poesia Sonora (Cramps Records, Milan)
Hugo Ball - KARAWANE
Hugo Ball + Kurt Schwitters + Anat Pick - Seepferdchen und Flugfische / Cigarren (elementar)
Samuel Beckett - Works For Radio: The Original Broadcasts
Ricardo Salvador - The Food Movement, Public Health and Wellbeing
Ricardo Salvador - Green Lands Blue Waters GLBW Conference,Toward a resilient agriculture
Leon Theremin - Deep Night
Leon Theremin - Léon Theremin demonstrates the Thereminvox
Dorit Chrysler - Science Sounds Strange: Ether Waves, Espionage, and the Theremin’s Odyssey
Corrado Govoni - Rarefazioni e parole in libertà
Dziga Vertov - Enthusiasm!
Dziga Vertov - Radio-Ear / Radio‑Pravda
Velimir Khlebnikov - Incantation By Laughter
Aliagrov - Mglybzhvuo / Distraction
Gregory Whitehead - Selection of radio pieces
Gregory Whitehead - Holes in the Head theatres of operation for the body in pieces
Raindance Foundation - Radical Software, Volume I, Number 1 - The Alternate Television Movement
Raindance Foundation - Radical Software, Volume I, Number 2 - The Electromagnetic Spectrum,
Raindance Foundation - Radical Software, Volume I, Number 3 - Untitled
Raindance Foundation - Radical Software, Volume I, Number 4 - Untitled
Raindance Foundation - Radical Software, Volume I, Number 5 - Realistic Hope Foundation
Raindance Foundation - Radical Software, Volume II, Number 1 - Changing Channels
Raindance Foundation - Radical Software, Volume II, Number 2 - The TV Environment
Raindance Foundation - Radical Software, Volume II, Number - 3 Videocity
Raindance Foundation - Radical Software, Volume II, Number 4 - Solid State
Raindance Foundation - Radical Software, Volume II, Number 5 - Video and Environment
Raindance Foundation - Radical Software, Volume II, Number 6 - Video and Kids
Robert Fludd - De musica mundana
J.B. Craven - Doctor Robert Fludd the English Rosicrucian Life and Writings
Kathi Meyer-Baer - Renaissance and Humanism: Music of the spheres
David McConville - Cosmopoiesis The Art of World‑Making
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena
José Oiticica - A doutrina anarquista ao alcance de todos
Thèrése Wilms Montt - Inquietudes Sentimentales
Thèrése Wilms Montt - Lo que no se ha dicho
Thèrése Wilms Montt - En la Quietud del Mármol
Ali Bektaş Tonak - Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification for the Mapping of Microbes: An Anti-Capitalist Approach
Miguel A Altieri + Clara Ines Nicholls - Agroecology in times of COVID‑19
Dad of little boy - Little boy
Luciano Berio + Bruno Maderna - Ritratto di Città
Luciano Berio - Perspectives
Luciano Berio - Différences
Luciano Berio + Bruno Maderna - Acousmatrix - history of electronic music VII
Luciano Berio - Questo Vuol Dire Che…
Luciano Berio - Sequenza V
Luciano Berio + Umberto Eco - Omaggio a Joyce. Documenti sulla qualità onomatopeica del linguaggio poetico
Bruno Maderna - Musica su Due Dimensioni (1958)
Bruno Maderna - Musica su Due Dimensioni (1952)
Bruno Maderna - Dimensioni III
John Cage + Meredith Monk - Aria
Pyotr Kropotkin - Mutual Aid. A Factor of Evolution
Pyotr Kropotkin - The Conquest of Bread
Teresa Margolles - Fuerza Centrífuga / Centrifugal Force
John Cage - On Mushrooms (January 13, 1970)
Peter Watkins - La Commune (Paris, 1871)
Pablo Echaurren - Air de Bologna
Ralph Waldo Emerson - Letters and Social Aims
Peter Watkins - Peter Watkins on « La Commune »
Timothy Francis Leary - Interviewed by Skip E Lowe
Jonathan Purkis + James Bowen - Changing anarchism. Anarchist theory and practice in a global age
Pablo Picasso - Guernica
Marina Abramović - Rhythm 4
Charles and Ray Eames - Powers of Ten™
Christian Smith - Re-reading the Psychology of Wilhelm Reich
Wilhelm Reich - Selected Writings
Franciszek Rychnowski - plasma spheres
Wilhelm Reich - orgone energy accumulator
William Burroughs - My Life in Orgone Boxes
Richard Buckminster Fuller - 4D Time World
Richard Buckminster Fuller - 4D Down East
Richard Buckminster Fuller - What Would I Do?
Richard Buckminster Fuller - Love is omni‑inclusive
Richard Buckminster Fuller - Killingry to livingry
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Wild Nature’s Ways
Richard Kearton+ Cherry Kearton - With nature and a camera
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Wild Life at Home. How to Study and Photograph it
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Our bird friends
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Birds’ nests, eggs, and egg collecting
Cherry Kearton - Song thrush’s nest
Cherry Kearton - Tree pipit feeding young cuckoo
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Descending a cliff with a camera
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Baby birds at home
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Artificial tree-trunk open+ Artificial tree-trunk closed
Richared Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Method of photographing birds
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Cherry Kearton photographing a shag
Richard Kearton + Cherry KEarton - Artificial rock
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Author hidden under wooden mask
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Author with wooden mask off
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Artificial rubbish‑heap
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - The stuffed ox in operation
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Photographing in a cart‑shed
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Stone House for Photographing Oyster‑catcher
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Sod house for photographing golden plover
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Photographing a flying bird with a gun camera
Richard Kearton + CherryKearton - Richard Kearton with jackdaws
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Photographing a nest in a tree
Marcel Duchamp - Air de Paris (50 cc of Paris Air)
Gregory Whitehead - The Hidden Language of Trees
Alfred Stieglitz - Rainbow
Marcel Duchamp (Rrose Selavy) +Man Ray - Belle Haleine, Eau de Voilette
Man Ray - Portrait of Rrose Sélavy
Marcel Duchamp - Why Not Sneeze Rose Sélavy?
David Lamelas - Office of Information about the Vietnam War at Three Levels: The Visual Image, Text and Audio
Sachiko Yoshihara - AIR RAID
Chris Burden - 747
Stan Brakhage - Star Garden
David Lamelas - A Study of the Relationships Between Inner and Outer Space
Hans Haacke - Blue Sail
Hans Haacke - Sphere in Oblique Air‑Jet
Hans Haacke - White Waving Line
Hans Haacke - Condensation Cube
Hans Haacke - Hans Haacke 1967
David Medalla - Cloud Canyons
Bruce Nauman - Floating Room: Lit from Inside
Jacques Henri Lartigue - André
Jacques Henri Lartigue - La Baule
Jacques Henri Lartigue - Il Conte Salm durante la finale dei campionati del mondo di tennis
Jacques Henri Lartigue - Audemars in a Blériot aeroplane
David Prentice - Preliminary sketch for an Orgone Accumulator built for William Burroughs
Gustav Metzger - Mobbile
Philip Corner - Air Effect
Yves Klein - Air Urbanism, Air Architecture, Decorations‑Integrations
Yves Klein - Air Architecture (ANT 102)
Yves Klein - Score for Symphonie Monoton‑Silence
Yves Klein - Surfaces and Blocks of Pictorial Sensibility. Pictorial Intentions
Yves Klein - Globe terrestre bleu (RP 7)
Yves Klein - “Empty” room dedicated to the “Immaterial Pictorial Sensibility”
Yves Klein - Maquette de présentation de l’Architecture de l’air
Yves Klein - Essai de toit d’air
Yves Klein - Hiroshima (ANT 72)
Yves Klein - « Wall of Fire » and « Column of Fire »
Yves Klein - Rocket Pneumatique
Yves Klein - Fire Fountains
Michael Snow - Wavelength
Michael Snow - Music For Piano, Whistling, Microphone And Tape Recorder
Michael Snow - Two Radio Solos
Michael Snow - The Last LP
Michael Snow - Sinoms
Michael Snow - Hearing Aid
John Hoskyns-Abrahall + Christopher Bamford + Michael Katz + Bob Feldman + Peter Wiesner - Circuit Earth
Michael Snow - La Région Centrale
Luigi Russolo - L’arte dei rumori
Luigi Russolo - Intonarumori
Anonymous - The Flaying of Marsyas
Chaucer Miller - Canterbury Tales - The Miller on horseback
Sasha Engelmann - Toward a poetics of air: sequencing and surfacing breath
Aaron Siskind - Pleasures and Terrors of Levitation
Michael Rakowitz - paraSITE homeless shelter
Michael Rakowitz - Rise
Michael Rakowitz - Radio Silence
Michael Rakowitz - Climate Control
Mathieu Briand - Sing a song
Pierre Boulez - Dialogue de l’Ombre Double
Various artists - Revolutions Per Minute (The Art Record)
Chris Burden - The Atomic Alphabet
J. Robert Oppenheimer - Now I Am Become Death
Encyclopedia Britannica Films - Hiroshima: The Decision To Drop The Bomb
Olivier Messiaen - les oiseaux
Olivier Messiaen - Catalogue d’Oiseaux
Luciano Berio - Sequenza III per voce femminile
Luciano Berio - Laborintus II
Douglas Kahn + Gregory Whitehead - Wireless Imagination. Sound, Radio and the Avant‑Garde
Wilhelm Reich - Cloudbuster
Henry Moore - Atom Piece (Working Model for Nuclear Energy)
Rudolf Arnheim - RADIO
Robert Motherwell - Gauloises Bleues
Robert Motherwell - Gauloises Bleues (Yellow with Black Square)
Rachel Carson - SILENT SPRING
Tim Simons + Ali Tonak - The Dead End of Climate Justice
David Lamelas - Limite de una proyección II
David Lamelas - Límite de una proyección
Gabriel Orozco - Ball on water
Gabriel Orozco - Breath on Piano
Dr. John Ott - Exploring The Spectrum
Juan Pablo Macías - Tuba, tuba, tuba, Tuba modified ‘Capriccio per Tuba’ (audio cut-up version)
Juan Pablo Macías - Tuba, tuba, tuba, Tuba and modified ‘Capriccio per Tuba’
Juan Pablo Macías + Glauco Benedetti - Tuba, tuba, tuba, Tuba modified ‘Capriccio per Tuba’ (first rehearsal)