Juan Pablo Macías
(Mexico, 1974) his work is a research on anarchism as a critique of representation and takes several forms: editorial projects, poetry, video, installations, performance, serve as fields to signal the encounter between power-knowledge and insurrectional-knowledge. He is editor in chief of tiempo muerto journal (2012) and word+moist press (2014). He co-founded of Salvator Rosa gallery in 2018 and is the actual president of Carico Massimo.
19. Juan Pablo Macías
air time. rambling listening gazing
an introduction. one year after “art magic and capitalism”
airquakes: black weather forecast for sunny days
art magic and capitalism 2019
semeion and the demilitarization of language
Raúl Zurita - La Belleza de Pensar
Raúl Zurita - The New Life (written in the sky)
Henry David Thoreau - The Succession Of Forest Trees And Wild Apples
Ralph Waldo Emerson - Nature
Alfred Stieglitz - Equivalents
Alfred Stieglitz - The Hand of Man
Franck Leibovici - 9+11
Wu Ming - L’armata dei Sonnambuli
Wu Ming - L’invisibile Ovunque
Allen Ginsberg - Wales Visitation
Noam Chomsky - The Concept of Language
Antonin Artaud - Pour en finir avec le jugement de dieu
Daniel Turner - First World War tech: Chlorine Gas & Gas Masks
Heinrich Billstein - Ypres: the Gas Inferno - Deadly Battles of World War
Giulio Douhet - Il Dominio dell’Aria-The Command of The Air
Krzysztof Penderecki - Capriccio for Tuba Solo
Marcel Duchamp - Marcel Duchamp on Readymade Sculptures
Marcel Duchamp + Larry Rivers - Art Sounds Marcel Duchamp Air de Paris
John Cage - Empty words
John Cage - New River Watercolors
John Cage - Empty Words Milano
John Cage (Interpreter: David Tudor) - 4’33’’ (by David Tudor)
John Cage + David Tudor - Musik Im Technischen Zeitalter
Raindance Foundation - Radical Software. The Raindance Foundation, Media Ecology and Video Art
Beryl Korot + Art21 - “Radical Software” 1970–74
CADA (Colectivo Acciones de Arte) - ¡Ay Sudamérica!
Hugo Ball - Flight Out of Time
F.L. Marinetti - Parole in Libertà
Velimir Khlebnikov - The Radio of the Future
Alan Erwin Ball + Sam Mendes - America Beauty - Plastic Bag Scene
David Medalla + Adam Nankervis - Cosmic graffiti
Smithsonian Channel - How Napalm Bombs Intensified U.S. Attacks During WWII
The Dow Company - Making Napalm
Center for Food Safety - Dow Chemical: Destroying Our World
Ade Adepitan (for Unreported World) - The Vietnam War’s Agent Orange legacy
Jackson Mac Low - The 8-Voice Stereo-Canon Realization
Jackson Mac Low + Bob Cobbing + Tom Leonard - Sound & Syntax International Festival of Sound Poetry
Jackson Mac Low - Winds/Instruments
Nicolás Echevarría - Teshuinada, Semana Santa Tarahumara
Rolando López + Omar Fraire - Chapareke, La llave de la casa de Dios
Nicanor Parra - The Individual’s Soliloquy
Nicanor Parra - The Vices of the Modern World
Miguel Ceballos - Voladores de Cuetzalan + Voladores de Cuetzalan cubiertos de niebla
Daniel Duncan - Whistles in the Mist: Whistled Speech in Oaxaca
Bertrand Russell - Press Conference on Nuclear Weapons
Gustav Metzger - Extinction Marathon (interview by Hans Ulrich Obrist)
Ken McMullen - Pioneers in Art and Science: Gustav Metzger
Gustav Metzger - Auto-Destructive Art
Kommissar Hjuler und Mama Baer + Gustav Metzger - Sicherungskopie #13 | Der Schöne Hjuler‑Memorial‑Fond
United States Army - Trinity (nuclear test)
Caetano Veloso + Augusto de Campos - DIAS DIAS DIAS
Augusto de Campos - Ar (Air)
Rupert Wingfield-Hayes + BBC News - Hiroshima atomic bomb: Survivor recalls horrors
Angel Estrada Soto - Chapareke, La llave de la casa de Dios
Alfred Hitchcock - The Birds
Future Farmers + Ignacio Chapela - Microbial Ecology
David Quist + Ignacio Chapela - Transgenic DNA introgressed into traditional maize landraces in Oaxaca, Mexico
Stan Brakhage - The Test of Time
Martina Pfeiler - American Performing Poets
Brian O’Doherty + WGBH - The New Wave
James Autry + Quincy Troupe - The Living Language
Frank Zappa + William S. Burroughs - The Talking Asshole
Edgard Varèse + Le Corbusier - Poème électronique
Edgard Varèse - Density 21.5
Edgard Varèse - Ionisation
Décio Pignatari - Um Movimento Vivo
Décio Pignatari - Motet Em Ré menor - Beba Coca‑Cola
Haroldo de Campos - Nascemorre
Jose Lino Grunewald - Vai e Vem
Augusto de Campos - Tensao
Décio Pignatari - Life
Décio Pignitari - Hombre Hambre Hembra
Ronaldo Azeredo - Velocidade
Augusto de Campos - Cidade City Cite
Augusto de Campos - Tudo Está Dito
Haroldo de Campos - Circuladô de Fulô
Augusto de Campos + Caetano Veloso - Pulsar
Haroldo de Campos - Crisantempo
Décio Pignatari - Noosfera/Terra
Augusto de Campos - Ão
Décio Pignatari - Drácula
Haroldo de Campos - Torto (fragmento de Galáxias)
Haroldo de Campos - Ode Primitiva (fragmento de Galáxias)
Bob Dylan + Keith Richards + Ron Wood - Blowin’ in the Wind
David Bowie + Dimitri Tiomkin + Ned Washington - Wild is the Wind
Johnny Mathis + Dimitri Tiomkin + Ned Washington - Wild is the Wind / Mathis
Nina Simone + Dimitri Tiomkin + Ned Washington - Wild is the Wind / Simone
Yves Klein - Saut dans le vide (Leap into the Void)
Willoughby Sharp - Air Art
Robert Morris - Steam
Gordon Matta-Clark + Juan Downey - Fresh Air Cart
Juan Downey - Do It Yourself: The Human Voice
Jochen Lempert - Fly
Jeff Wall - A Sudden Gust of Wind (after Hokusai)
Allen Ginsberg + The Gluons - Birdbrain
Allen Ginsberg - Hum Bom
Allen Ginsberg - Vajra Mantra
Allen Ginsberg + The Clash - Capitol Air
Kerri Phillips + abc media - Rear Vision / Biowarfare
Chemical Defence Experimental Establishment at Porton Down - Committee of 100 mass trespass on Porton Down Test Range
Committee of 100 - Committee of 100 POSTERS
United States Army - Aerial view of an atomic bomb explosion
Soviet Union - The First Soviet H-Bomb Test on August 12, 1953
Mary Lampson + Emile de Antonio - Underground
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - TPB-C-09 (nubes tour)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - AZOT-C-01 (nubes hacia el sur)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - AZOT-C-02-01 (cielo franja negra)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - AZOT-C-02-01 (volcan)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - NPA-C01 (cámara espejo nube)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - NPA-C01 (cámara en espejo)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - AZOT-C-02-01 (monte con cable)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - EPB-C02 (reflejo nube)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - PPB-C-04 (tubo colado)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - QPA-C-06 (jardín ecoparque)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - TPB-C-09 (jacaranda)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - PPB-C-04 (reflejo árbol lago)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - AZOT-C-02-01 (maguey)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - APB-C06 (cámara a cámara)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - PPB-C-04 (desfogue)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - PPB-C-04 (muro fijo con junta)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - TPB-C-09 (lago y plantas)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - OPB-C-03 (fuente)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - QPA-C-06 (plantas tour)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena II - APB-C-03 (lavanda explanada)
Gustave Courbet - The Paris Commune and the end of the Vendôme column
Allen Ginsberg - Kissass
Lygia Clark - Pedra e ar (Stone and Air)
Lygia Clark - Respire Comigo (Breathe with me)
Salvador Dalí - Paranoiac Critical Method (lecture in diving suit)
Yves Klein + Claude Parent - Climate-controlled City, Air Roof, Fire Walls, Air Bed
Yves Klein + Claude Parent - Underground Area of a Climate-controlled City, “Climate Control of Space”
Yves Klein + Claude Parent - Cité climatisée - Accès à l’éden technique [Climate-controlled City - Access to Technical Eden]
Monstanto Company + Walt Disney + MIT - Monsanto House of the Future
Monsanto Company + Walt Disney + MIT - Monsanto House of The Future (documentary)
Richard Buckminster Fuller + Shoji Sadao - Cloud Nine (tensegrity sphere)
Richard Buckminster Fuller - Buckminster Fuller at MIT (Spaceship Earth)
Ana Vignjević - Dialectic Atmosphere of Architecture: on Aesthetic Experience and Meteorology
Richard Buckminster Fuller - Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth
Richard Buckminster Fuller + McCormick-Armstrong Company - Dymaxion Map
Richard Buckminster Fuller - Dymaxion Airocean World Map
Robert Snyder - The World of Buckminster Fuller
Richard Buckminster Fuller + Nicolás Boullosa (faircompanies.com) - Dymaxion House
Gordon Matta-Clark - Tree Dance
Trisha Brown +Richard Nonas + Jared Bark - Man Walking Down the Side of a Building
Bas Jan Ader + Edvard Karijord + Bbatunde Oluwalana +Bendik Mondal - The Miraculous Bas Jan Ader
Bas Jan Ader - Bas Jan Ader (selection of works)
Gordon Matta-Clark - Clockshower
Juan Pablo Macías - April 2005
Juan Pablo Macías - History of the Eye
William S. Burroughs - The Electronic Revolution
Marcel Duchamp - Readymade Malheureux
Murray Bookchin - The Ecology of Freedom
Murray Bookchin - Post-Scarcity Anarchism
Claude Lévi-Strauss - The Savage Mind
Abel Muñóz Orózco - Creole Maize Varieties
Abel Muñóz Orózco - History and evolution of maize / Purepecha History
Joan Jonas - Wind
Aldo Piromalli - Affanculo
Glauber Rocha - Barravento
Gustave Courbet - La Trombe
Élisée Reclus - The Ocean, Atmosphere and Life
Élisée Reclus - The Earth
Daniele Galuzzo + Arianna Fantesini - I venti
Nik Rijavec - Wind in The Grass, Crickets, Birds / Relaxing Sound Of Wind
Nik Rijavec - Relaxing Sound of Howling Wind Blowind Sand / Relax, Sleep, Stress Relief
Nik Rijavec - Strong Howling Wind Sound 2 Hours / Swaying Spruce Trees in The Wind
Nik Rijavec - Wind Sounds 1 Hour / Wind Blowing Through Autumn Forest
Yves Klein - Blue Monochrome
Francois Levy-Kuentz - Yves Klein La Revolution Bleue
Yves Klein - Anthropométrie de l’époque bleue
Miles Davis - So what
Abu the Flute maker + Thomas Kessler - Abu the Baltimore Flute Maker
Hermeto Pascoal - Música da Lagoa (Sinfonia do Alto Ribeira)
Antonin Artaud - Héliogabale ou l’Anarchiste couronné
Morton Feldman - Three Voices (For Joan La Barbara)
John Cage + Morton Feldman - Radio Happenings I - V
Charles Sanders Peirce - The Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce
Peter Sloterdijk - Terror From The Air
Karlheinz Stockhausen - Stimmung
Karlheinz Stockhausen - Momente
Gérard Patris - Karlheinz Stockhausen: Momente
Karlheinz Stockhausen - Telemusik
Ivan Cardoso - HO
Hélio Oiticica - Parangolé P1
Hèlio Oiticica - Parangolé P15, Capa 11
Vladimir Tatlin - Monument to the Third International
Kazimir Malevich - Anti in Anarkhiia‑Tvorchestvo
Alfred Stieglitz - How I came to photograph clouds
Félix Gonzalez-Torres - Untitled, 1992‑1993
Félix González-Torres - Untitled, 1995
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena I (surveillance cameras)
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena I (skyscape)
Steve McCaffery + bpNichol - Sound Poetry: a catalogue
Paul Priscila Braga - Hélio Oiticica: Nietzsche’s Übermensch in the Brazilian Slums
John Cage - Mureau
John Cage - Mushroom Haiku (excerpt from Silence)
John Cage - Silence: lectures and writings
John Cage - Lecture on nothing
John Cage +Robert Moran + Howard Hersh - Winter Music / Variations I
John Cage - The Wonderful Widow of Eighteen Springs
John Cage - Sixty-Two Mesostics Re Merce Cunningham
Merce Cunningham + John Cage + Elliot Caplan - Beach Birds for Camera
Merce Cunningham + John Cage + Andy Warhol + David Tudor Jasper Johns + - Rainforest
Vito Acconci - A Tape Situation Using Running, Counting, Exhaustion
Vito Acconci + Jana Haimsohn + Julia Heyward + Dennis Oppenheim and many others - Airwaves LP
Hugo Ball - Hugo Ball in Futura Poesia Sonora (Cramps Records, Milan)
Hugo Ball - KARAWANE
Hugo Ball + Kurt Schwitters + Anat Pick - Seepferdchen und Flugfische / Cigarren (elementar)
Samuel Beckett - Works For Radio: The Original Broadcasts
Ricardo Salvador - The Food Movement, Public Health and Wellbeing
Ricardo Salvador - Green Lands Blue Waters GLBW Conference,Toward a resilient agriculture
Leon Theremin - Deep Night
Leon Theremin - Léon Theremin demonstrates the Thereminvox
Dorit Chrysler - Science Sounds Strange: Ether Waves, Espionage, and the Theremin’s Odyssey
Corrado Govoni - Rarefazioni e parole in libertà
Dziga Vertov - Enthusiasm!
Dziga Vertov - Radio-Ear / Radio‑Pravda
Velimir Khlebnikov - Incantation By Laughter
Aliagrov - Mglybzhvuo / Distraction
Gregory Whitehead - Selection of radio pieces
Gregory Whitehead - Holes in the Head theatres of operation for the body in pieces
Raindance Foundation - Radical Software, Volume I, Number 1 - The Alternate Television Movement
Raindance Foundation - Radical Software, Volume I, Number 2 - The Electromagnetic Spectrum,
Raindance Foundation - Radical Software, Volume I, Number 3 - Untitled
Raindance Foundation - Radical Software, Volume I, Number 4 - Untitled
Raindance Foundation - Radical Software, Volume I, Number 5 - Realistic Hope Foundation
Raindance Foundation - Radical Software, Volume II, Number 1 - Changing Channels
Raindance Foundation - Radical Software, Volume II, Number 2 - The TV Environment
Raindance Foundation - Radical Software, Volume II, Number - 3 Videocity
Raindance Foundation - Radical Software, Volume II, Number 4 - Solid State
Raindance Foundation - Radical Software, Volume II, Number 5 - Video and Environment
Raindance Foundation - Radical Software, Volume II, Number 6 - Video and Kids
Robert Fludd - De musica mundana
J.B. Craven - Doctor Robert Fludd the English Rosicrucian Life and Writings
Kathi Meyer-Baer - Renaissance and Humanism: Music of the spheres
David McConville - Cosmopoiesis The Art of World‑Making
Juan Pablo Macías - Inversión de escena
José Oiticica - A doutrina anarquista ao alcance de todos
Thèrése Wilms Montt - Inquietudes Sentimentales
Thèrése Wilms Montt - Lo que no se ha dicho
Thèrése Wilms Montt - En la Quietud del Mármol
Ali Bektaş Tonak - Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification for the Mapping of Microbes: An Anti-Capitalist Approach
Miguel A Altieri + Clara Ines Nicholls - Agroecology in times of COVID‑19
Dad of little boy - Little boy
Luciano Berio + Bruno Maderna - Ritratto di Città
Luciano Berio - Perspectives
Luciano Berio - Différences
Luciano Berio + Bruno Maderna - Acousmatrix - history of electronic music VII
Luciano Berio - Questo Vuol Dire Che…
Luciano Berio - Sequenza V
Luciano Berio + Umberto Eco - Omaggio a Joyce. Documenti sulla qualità onomatopeica del linguaggio poetico
Bruno Maderna - Musica su Due Dimensioni (1958)
Bruno Maderna - Musica su Due Dimensioni (1952)
Bruno Maderna - Dimensioni III
John Cage + Meredith Monk - Aria
Pyotr Kropotkin - Mutual Aid. A Factor of Evolution
Pyotr Kropotkin - The Conquest of Bread
Teresa Margolles - Fuerza Centrífuga / Centrifugal Force
John Cage - On Mushrooms (January 13, 1970)
Peter Watkins - La Commune (Paris, 1871)
Pablo Echaurren - Air de Bologna
Ralph Waldo Emerson - Letters and Social Aims
Peter Watkins - Peter Watkins on “La Commune”
Timothy Francis Leary - Interviewed by Skip E Lowe
Jonathan Purkis + James Bowen - Changing anarchism. Anarchist theory and practice in a global age
Pablo Picasso - Guernica
Marina Abramović - Rhythm 4
Charles and Ray Eames - Powers of Ten™
Christian Smith - Re-reading the Psychology of Wilhelm Reich
Wilhelm Reich - Selected Writings
Franciszek Rychnowski - plasma spheres
Wilhelm Reich - orgone energy accumulator
William Burroughs - My Life in Orgone Boxes
Richard Buckminster Fuller - 4D Time World
Richard Buckminster Fuller - 4D Down East
Richard Buckminster Fuller - What Would I Do?
Richard Buckminster Fuller - Love is omni‑inclusive
Richard Buckminster Fuller - Killingry to livingry
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Wild Nature’s Ways
Richard Kearton+ Cherry Kearton - With nature and a camera
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Wild Life at Home. How to Study and Photograph it
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Our bird friends
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Birds’ nests, eggs, and egg collecting
Cherry Kearton - Song thrush’s nest
Cherry Kearton - Tree pipit feeding young cuckoo
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Descending a cliff with a camera
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Baby birds at home
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Artificial tree-trunk open+ Artificial tree-trunk closed
Richared Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Method of photographing birds
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Cherry Kearton photographing a shag
Richard Kearton + Cherry KEarton - Artificial rock
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Author hidden under wooden mask
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Author with wooden mask off
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Artificial rubbish‑heap
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - The stuffed ox in operation
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Photographing in a cart‑shed
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Stone House for Photographing Oyster‑catcher
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Sod house for photographing golden plover
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Photographing a flying bird with a gun camera
Richard Kearton + CherryKearton - Richard Kearton with jackdaws
Richard Kearton + Cherry Kearton - Photographing a nest in a tree
Marcel Duchamp - Air de Paris (50 cc of Paris Air)
Gregory Whitehead - The Hidden Language of Trees
Alfred Stieglitz - Rainbow
Marcel Duchamp (Rrose Selavy) +Man Ray - Belle Haleine, Eau de Voilette
Man Ray - Portrait of Rrose Sélavy
Marcel Duchamp - Why Not Sneeze Rose Sélavy?
David Lamelas - Office of Information about the Vietnam War at Three Levels: The Visual Image, Text and Audio
Sachiko Yoshihara - AIR RAID
Chris Burden - 747
Stan Brakhage - Star Garden
David Lamelas - A Study of the Relationships Between Inner and Outer Space
Hans Haacke - Blue Sail
Hans Haacke - Sphere in Oblique Air‑Jet
Hans Haacke - White Waving Line
Hans Haacke - Condensation Cube
Hans Haacke - Hans Haacke 1967
David Medalla - Cloud Canyons
Bruce Nauman - Floating Room: Lit from Inside
Jacques Henri Lartigue - André
Jacques Henri Lartigue - La Baule
Jacques Henri Lartigue - Il Conte Salm durante la finale dei campionati del mondo di tennis
Jacques Henri Lartigue - Audemars in a Blériot aeroplane
David Prentice - Preliminary sketch for an Orgone Accumulator built for William Burroughs
Gustav Metzger - Mobbile
Philip Corner - Air Effect
Yves Klein - Air Urbanism, Air Architecture, Decorations‑Integrations
Yves Klein - Air Architecture (ANT 102)
Yves Klein - Score for Symphonie Monoton‑Silence
Yves Klein - Surfaces and Blocks of Pictorial Sensibility. Pictorial Intentions
Yves Klein - Globe terrestre bleu (RP 7)
Yves Klein - “Empty” room dedicated to the “Immaterial Pictorial Sensibility”
Yves Klein - Maquette de présentation de l’Architecture de l’air
Yves Klein - Essai de toit d’air
Yves Klein - Hiroshima (ANT 72)
Yves Klein - “Wall of Fire” and “Column of Fire”
Yves Klein - Rocket Pneumatique
Yves Klein - Fire Fountains
Michael Snow - Wavelength
Michael Snow - Music For Piano, Whistling, Microphone And Tape Recorder
Michael Snow - Two Radio Solos
Michael Snow - The Last LP
Michael Snow - Sinoms
Michael Snow - Hearing Aid
John Hoskyns-Abrahall + Christopher Bamford + Michael Katz + Bob Feldman + Peter Wiesner - Circuit Earth
Michael Snow - La Région Centrale
Luigi Russolo - L’arte dei rumori
Luigi Russolo - Intonarumori
Anonymous - The Flaying of Marsyas
Chaucer Miller - Canterbury Tales - The Miller on horseback
Sasha Engelmann - Toward a poetics of air: sequencing and surfacing breath
Aaron Siskind - Pleasures and Terrors of Levitation
Michael Rakowitz - paraSITE homeless shelter
Michael Rakowitz - Rise
Michael Rakowitz - Radio Silence
Michael Rakowitz - Climate Control
Mathieu Briand - Sing a song
Pierre Boulez - Dialogue de l’Ombre Double
Various artists - Revolutions Per Minute (The Art Record)
Chris Burden - The Atomic Alphabet
J. Robert Oppenheimer - Now I Am Become Death
Encyclopedia Britannica Films - Hiroshima: The Decision To Drop The Bomb
Olivier Messiaen - les oiseaux
Olivier Messiaen - Catalogue d’Oiseaux
Luciano Berio - Sequenza III per voce femminile
Luciano Berio - Laborintus II
Douglas Kahn + Gregory Whitehead - Wireless Imagination. Sound, Radio and the Avant‑Garde
Wilhelm Reich - Cloudbuster
Henry Moore - Atom Piece (Working Model for Nuclear Energy)
Rudolf Arnheim - RADIO
Robert Motherwell - Gauloises Bleues
Robert Motherwell - Gauloises Bleues (Yellow with Black Square)
Rachel Carson - SILENT SPRING
Tim Simons + Ali Tonak - The Dead End of Climate Justice
David Lamelas - Limite de una proyección II
David Lamelas - Límite de una proyección
Gabriel Orozco - Ball on water
Gabriel Orozco - Breath on Piano
Dr. John Ott - Exploring The Spectrum
Juan Pablo Macías - Tuba, tuba, tuba, Tuba modified ‘Capriccio per Tuba’ (audio cut-up version)
Juan Pablo Macías - Tuba, tuba, tuba, Tuba and modified ‘Capriccio per Tuba’
Juan Pablo Macías + Glauco Benedetti - Tuba, tuba, tuba, Tuba modified ‘Capriccio per Tuba’ (first rehearsal)