19. Juan Pablo Macías

A preview of soffio vento uccelli (breath wind birds) by Juan Pablo Macías realized during a residency curated by Casa Sponge, which is a part of the project Non Solo Museo of the Comune of Pergola and supported by Marche Region – Assessorato Beni e Attività Culturali and part of the program a,m,o, Arte, Marche, Oltre 2020.
The work is comprised of audio tracks of breaths that imitate the wind and the song of birds sent by phone by the citizens of Pergola (PU). The continuous lockdowns made it necessary to produce the project at distance, so the invitation to send breaths extended beyond borders. The complete work consists of a vinyl with 4 mixed songs, out in April 2021 and presented at Pergola.
“The project, from the outset, was limited to the minimum use of words: barely instructions and a telephone number. There is not much else to say. Just use good headphones for listening …. ”
Courtesy by Casa Sponge and the artist
Breaths by Elisabetta Brunori; Caterina and Ermenegildo Ciccotti; Daniela Eusepi; Elisa Franco; Giorgia and Giovanni Gaggia; Giona Giampaoli; Natascia Giulivi; Azzurra Immediato; Giuseppe Mongiello; Aischa, Florian and Marion Müller; Riccardo Papalardo; Ilaria Pazzelli; Stefano Savi; kids from theschool of Serra Sant’Abbondio e Frontone; Maria Pia Fratini; Paolo Ciarimboli; Mattia Galantini; Birgit Kiefer; Anna Mancini; Lea Pailloncy; Francesca Pataracchia; Duccio Reggiani; Paride Reggiani; Oliviero Reggiani; Marilena Ricci; Flora Rossi e Claudio Stefani. Produced by Non Solo Museo del Comune di Pergola, Casa Sponge a, m, o – Arte, Marche, Oltre. Production date: October 2020 and January 2021. Mix: Daniele Catalucci. Masterization: Gabriele Bogi and Daniele Catalucci.
Juan Pablo Macías (Mexico, 1974). His work is a research on anarchism as a critique of representation and takes several forms: editorial projects, poetry, video, installations, performance, serve as fields to signal the encounter between power-knowledge and insurrectional-knowledge. He is editor in chief of tiempo muerto journal (2012) and word+moist press (2014). He co-founded of Salvator Rosa gallery in 2018 and is the actual president of Carico Massimo.