22. Wukir Suryadi

Wukir Suryadi is a particular person, full of joy and generosity. He makes all become music, and musical as well. When we asked him to contribute some wavelengths for On Air, some weeks went by and all of a sudden, we recieved two tracks (pleasantries politics and weak world) that he had specially made for us using modified spatulas along these text lines that we share with you right below:
”…the world is weak, people follow the same tendency towards the same goal, the same lifestyle, the same perspective, willingly or not, whether we realize it or not, we just follow. Everything is made easy but in fact it is forced occupation… [it] becomes a necessity for everyone, but in the end, someone has to struggle to death each day to fulfill those needs… Air refers to the gas mixture found on Earth’s surface. Air is invisible, odorless, and tasteless. The presence of air can only be seen from the wind that moves an object. Air is one type of natural resource because it has many functions for living beings. How to keep air pure? how it should be? a lot of meanings diverted. Just hope healthy air can protect people from thoughts that lead to the destruction of conscience… healthy air will keep people away from evil thoughts… air… is dirty, is troublesome… now we are paying the price…”