11. Cecilia Canziani
The critic and curator Cecilia Canziani reconstructs Laura Grisi’s biograph starting from her anthropological relationship with air, wind, nature… Laura Grisi is a figure of the sixties and seventies hardly inscribable in any trend, an isolated and silent artist. But in the end, as Luce Irigarary suggests, “is not presence, the Gestell disposed by man to make certain encounters with nature impossible?” (The forgetting of air, 1983)
Cecilia’s voice takes us on a journey that ends with ”Drop and Ocean”, one of the sounds on magnetic tape she recorded to document a physical reality, and Cecilia adds:
“… it seems to me that in this research, Laura Grisi, beyond the rigor of mathematics, of the very precise design of geometry, we also find something else… that we can call the sound of the poetic word…”