“It must be said that the Breath which was in Chaos fell in love with its principles; and through this forward motion, this kind of idea which does away with darkness, a conscious desire was born. - And in the Sun itself there are living sources, an idea of chaos reduced and completely eliminated.
However, in the human body what represents the reality of this breath is not pulmonary respiration - which would be to this breath what the sun in its physical aspect is to the reproductive principle - but this sort of vital hunger, changing, opaque, whose currents sweep across
the nerves, and battle with the intelligent principles of the brain. And these principles, in their tum, recharge the pulmonary breath and confer upon it all their powers. Nobody could claim that the lungs which restore life aren’t under the command of a breath conveyed by the brain. And the head of Elagabalus, god of Emesa, was kept very busy for all time.”
Contributed by
Juan Pablo Macías