Buckminster Fuller, Love is omni-inclusive
Offset poster, 32 1/4 x 22 1/4 in. (81.9 x 56.5 cm)
Commentary by Steven Sieden
Buckminster Fuller often spoke of love, but his definition was far from our romantic idea of the concept. For Bucky, love was all pervasive and inclusive of everyone and everything. Thus, the term “metaphysical gravity.”
As far as we know, gravity is a universal cosmic principle. It exists everywhere and cannot be escaped while operating in physical reality, and in the realm of the metaphysical (things that cannot be experienced by our physical senses), the same is true of love. It pervades everything. It is the cosmic glue that binds us into a universal oneness that is now reemerging as more needed and relevant than ever on Spaceship Earth.
Another of Bucky’s more poetic explanations of love is,
“Love is omni-inclusive,
Progressively exquisite,
Understanding and tender
And compassionately attuned
To other than self.”
Contributo di
Juan Pablo Macías