«This sovereign—meaning top-weapons enforced « national » claim upon humans born in various lands leads to ever more severely specialized servitude and highly personalized identity classification. As a consequence of the slavish « categoryitis » the scientifically illogical, and as we shall see, often meaningless questions « Where do you live? » « What are you? » « What religion? » « What race? » ’ »What nationality? » are all thought of today as logical questions. By the twentyfirst century it either will have become evident to humanity that these questions are absurd and anti-evolutionary or men will no longer be living on Earth. If you don’t comprehend why that is so, listen to me closely…
…However, the big thinking in general of a spherical Earth and celestial navigation was retained exclusively by the Great Pirates, in contradistinction to a four-cornered, flat world concept, with empire and kingdom circumscribed knowledge, constricted to only that which could be learned through localized preoccupations. Knowledge of the world and its resources was enjoyed exclusively by the Great Pirates, as were also the arts of navigation, shipbuilding and handling, and of grand logistical strategies and of nationally-undetectable, therefore effectively deceptive, international exchange media and trade balancing tricks by which the top pirate, as (in gambler’s parlance) « the house, » always won.
Then there came a time, which was World War I, when the most powerful out-pirates challenged the in-pirates with the scientific and technological innovation of an entirely new geometry of thinking. The out-pirates attack went under and above the sea surface and into the invisible realm of electronics and chemical war faring. Caught off-guard, the in-pirates, in order to save themselves, had to allow their scientists to go to work on their own inscrutable terms. Thus, in saving themselves, the Great Pirates allowed the scientists to plunge their grand, industrial logistics, support strategy into the vast ranges of the electro-magnetic spectrum that were utterly invisible to the pirates…
**…The Great Pirates did run the world. They were the first and last to do so. They were world men, and they ran the world with ruthless and brilliant pragmatism based on the mis-seemingly « fundamental » information of their scientifically specialized servants. First came their Royal Society scientific servants, with their « Great » Second Law of thermodynamics, whose « entropy » showed that every energy machine kept losing energy and eventually « ran down. » In their prespeed-of-light-measurement misconceptioning of an omnisimultaneous-instant universe » that universe, as an energy machine was thought, also to be « running down. » And thus the energy wealth and life support were erroneously thought to be in continuous depletion-orginating the misconception of « spending. »
Next came Thomas Malthus, professor of political economics of the Great Pirate’s East India Company, who said that man was multiplying himself at a geometrical rate and that food was multiplying only at an arithmetical rate. And lastly, thirty-five years later, came the G. P.’s biological specialist servant, Charles Darwin, who, explaining his theory of animate evolution, said that survival was only for the fittest… »
from Biblioteca de Anarquismo y Anarquistas (2009-ongoing)
Contributo di
Juan Pablo Macías