collective meeting and radio happening

During these three days, Giorgio will explain, plan and put in to practice a radio station in Livorno, together with a group of selected participants. The idea is to involve so me members of the Senegalese community in Livorno for the content, in order to recreate out-and-out a communal radio, totally similar to those that Giorgio installed forty years ago in Africa.
The project is divided into three phases:
meeting with Giorgio Lolli
workshop on how to assemble a portable radio
Urban Radio Action.
For information: (the laboratory has a limited number)

Day 1
Give a voice to those that don’t have one: a short-wave revolution.
Encounter with Giorgio Lolli
The revolution of radios in Africa and Giorgio’s in the different countries where he worked. The systems he uses to import materials, recycle what he found, build it directly on site. Techniques to build radios, keep it, and even sabotage it. Radio as a life choice, as a means to put into practice precepts of equality and democracy. The process Giorgio built, his being revolutionary through the simplicity of gesture, the complexity of the context, the chances that came out of it.
How to build an FM radio station.
Practical course of analog radio technique: together with Giorgio, we will assemble a radio. Logic of installation, materials recovered, assembly tricks. Ethics and aesthetics of EmilianAfrican.
Day 2
Urban Radio Happening.
Implementation of the radio. Open air collective radio station experience: radio broadcast with the original spirit of the term. The act of electromagnetic shamanism brought to reality.